Many TikTok users are promoting ridding sunscreen from viewers' skincare routines, so we spoke to a dermatologist to learn ...
Such dangerous ideas are likely fueled by Internet trends that promote misinformation about sunscreen and tanning benefits ..
"We blame the sun for cancer when we should be blaming our diets. Sunscreen and a poor diet will make you sick," she stated. ...
But there are two types of UV rays, and SPF ratings only measure how well a sunscreen blocks UVB rays, the main cause of sunburn and the most dangerous skin cancers. "SPF values do not reflect a ...
Yet even some celebrities are continuing to spout dangerous beliefs that sunscreen keeps you from ... Related: Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found in Acne Treatments from Clearasil, Clinique, Target ...
Misinformed content creators claim that sunscreen contains chemicals linked to cancer or that it can potentially ... "Seeking ...
Shawn Anderson: So it appears to be extremely dangerous for folks to listen to influencers ... Anne Kramer: Some of the ...
Here's what to know about the latest trend and why you should keep wearing sunscreen. There are two types of sunscreens on the market, physical and chemical, and both work to reduce the amount of ...
(WXYZ) — In today’s Health Alert, there’s a concerning and potentially dangerous trend gaining traction on TikTok and other platforms. The anti-sunscreen ...