In this parish hall at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in downtown Bakersfield, flowers seemed to be the language of worship. And it's no wonder. May 26, 2023 ...
Except for the resurrection on Easter, Holy Thursday is possibly one of the most important, complex, and profound days of celebration in the Catholic Church. Holy Thursday celebrates the ...
That’s how I ended up celebrating Easter Vigil Mass in three Beijing cathedrals. I’ve read and written about the Church in China for years, but nothing prepared me for the grace of worshiping ...
Big-box retailers like Amazon (yes, Amazon!) deliver beautiful, fresh flowers and specialty online flower sites create high-quality arrangements you won't be able to find locally. Keep reading for ...
Some are actually complete myths. Justin Leviano, product and floral design manager with Urban Stems in Manhattan, said various flower care myths have circulated on the web, such as putting a ...
May 5 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin and scores of other Moscow worshippers attended an Easter service on Sunday, led by the head of Russia's Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, a staunch ...
Most Western churches observed Easter on March 31, but the Russian Orthodox Church follows a different calendar. In his Easter address, Kirill wished for “God’s blessing over Russia,” its ...
12 May, Acts 1.15-17, 21-end; Psalm 1; 1 John 5.9-13; John 17.6-19 TWO verses in this Gospel catch my attention, although every sentence would repay investigation. If if I were marking John 17.6-19 as ...
Putin Attends Easter Service Led by Head of Russia's Orthodox Church (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin and scores of other Moscow worshippers attended an Easter service on Sunday, led by the ...
NEW DELHI: Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the Easter service led by the head of Russia's Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow on Sunday.