If your golden pothos is turning yellow, you'll want to fix the problem quickly so you can get your plant back to looking its best. Golden pothos is a popular plant, and with good reason. Its pretty ...
Gardening is great for the environment, and it can be beneficial for mental and physical health. Margaret Canter, Ph.D., ...
“Most climbing plants appreciate bright, indirect light. A south-facing window is ideal, but east or west-facing windows can ...
Houseplants naturally cleanse the air in our homes and no common houseplant is better equipped to do so than a Marble Queen ...
If your cat is constantly sniffing or coming into contact with bleach – or even licking the surface – you’ll need to put a stop to it. “Bleach can cause ulceration of the eyes, skin, paws pads, lining ...
Plant parents love their peace lilies and golden pothos climbers, and there are plenty of potential gifts out there to help their plants grow. From weeding robots to indoor hydroponic gardens of all ...
Many interior hanging plants can be grown in soil or water with low to minimum care. In this story, let’s explore the hanging ...