More than 37 orca have now been recorded attacking 673 boats in the Strait of Gibraltar, and it might just be because they’re ...
"The device features .5 inch conical protrusions on the hull and keel of sailboats," de Stephanis said. "The theory is that ...
Orcas off the coast of Iberia are spending less time hunting and more time exploring new games thanks to the recent recovery ...
The orcas sinking boats off the Iberian Peninsula mean no harm—and media coverage that they’re taking revenge could hurt the ...
We spoke with legendary saltwater angler Flip Pallot for his thoughts on hunting, fishing, and outdoor entertainment.
Inboard/outboards are found mid-size to larger cruisers. They’re not as common on dedicated fishing or hunting boats. Typically, an inboard/outboard uses a car-type engine located inside the ...
Wearing a toy whale hat, whale tie and a whale motif shirt, Hideki Tokoro spends much of his days thinking about the world’s ...
During World War II, the U.S. Army attempted to train dogs to hunt Japanese soldiers. The secret experiment on an island off ...
Russia has pulled back its larger warships to reduce their vulnerability, leaving Ukraine with only smaller vessels to attack ...
The consensus among an international group of killer whale experts is that these whales are just playing a game and having ...
An international group of orca experts met to determine why orcas are ramming boats. The leading theory: They're bored and playful.
Carousel feeding is one of several orca hunting tactics that some scientists ... safaris in Norway and volunteered to work on their boats. On her first day a male orca’s tall dorsal fin pierced ...