The Shoto Teien Japanese Gardens original design ... There were 14 different species of trees and 16 species of shrubs used ...
Gardeners have learned to put on a brave face when it comes to ticks: If you want to spend your days outside, you’re likely ...
As a gardener, it’s essential to identify and remove these invaders promptly to protect your yard and support biodiversity.
Japanese barberry is one of the first plants to leaf out in spring and can be distinguished from other shrubs. Whole shrubs ...
Two of the most popular anise “trees,” Japanese anise (I. anisatum) and Mexican anise (I. floridanum), aren’t trees at all but shrubs. Its spicily scented wood makes it one of the best ...
During the month of June, there is much to be done in the garden. Here's everything you should be pruning, thinning, ...
Plus, shrubs can create natural shelters that bring ... There are many varieties, with the Japanese and American boxwood being the most popular for gardens. The boxwood is happiest in well-drained ...
Ask UW-Extension horticulture educator Lisa Johnson your questions about your yard, garden and plants. Send questions to ...
These shrubs will support wildlife with their pollen ... A number are native to Asia, such as the popular Japanese spirea (Spiraea japonica), a low shrub that has pink blooms in late spring ...
The aesthetic appeal of well-chosen shrubs is hard to overlook. These plants don’t just improve the look of your front yard but also have the potential to increase your overall property value.
For more information visit Marianne Binetti will host a free seminar about “Dirt Cheap Gardening: Recycle, Propagate and ...
What T Magazine’s editors and contributors are eyeing for our own paternal figures, including Western gear and mini ...