The journey of Kashi’s development witnessed in the last 10 years made the world aware about the extraordinary capacity of the hardworking people of Kashi as they not only kept the economy ...
The earliest breakfast cereals, invented in the late 1800s, were granola-like chunks made from graham flour designed as a healthy alternative for the first meal of the day. This is a far cry from ...
VARANASI: Kashi is abuzz with preparations as Prime Minister Narendra Modi would be on a two-day visit to his parliamentary constituency. Scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, this visit includes a ...
Now, a new study estimates that the first warm-blooded dinosaurs may have roamed the Earth about 180 million years ago, about halfway through the creatures' time on the planet. Warm-blooded ...
The most remarkable facet of transformation is palpable at the Kashi Vishwanath Temple (KVT) complex post its renovation and expansion as the Kashi Vishwanath Dham. The ancient and timeless city ...
"Kashi is not just a word for me, Kashi is Shiva in itself, a form of Shiva. Kashi is immortal, and my bond with Kashi has only grown by day. Now it seems that Maa Ganga has adopted me, Shiva ji ...
Now, a new study estimates that the first warm-blooded dinosaurs may have roamed the Earth about 180 million years ago, about halfway through the creatures’ time on the planet. Warm-blooded ...
Previous research has found traits linked to warm-bloodedness among ornithischians and theropods, with some known to have had feathers or proto-feathers, insulating internal heat. First author Dr ...
Were dinosaurs warm-blooded like birds and mammals or cold-blooded like reptiles? It’s one of paleontology’s oldest questions, and gleaning the answer matters because it illuminates how the ...