While every variety needs pruning at different times of the year, spring is a great time to prune mophead and lacecap ...
“Mophead and lacecap, Hydrangea macrophylla ... Oakleaf (Hydrangea quercifolia) (oakleaf hydrangea) and smooth (Hydrangea arborescens) varieties are two native species that are especially ...
Boy, have I got a fairytrail for you gardeners about an incredible new hydrangea. That sounds so funny and you are probably thinking a horticulturist is about to tell you a tall tale about a ...
Many hydrangea varieties prefer morning sun and afternoon shade, but some types can handle even more shade, especially in warmer regions. However, sunlight still plays a role for shade-loving ...
Boy, have I got a fairytrail for you gardeners about an incredible new hydrangea. That sounds so funny and you are probably thinking a horticulturist is about to tell you a tall tale about a ...
There are three general categories of hydrangeas based on how they bloom. New wood hydrangea varieties bloom on the current year’s growth. They create their flower buds in early spring on new ...
It has a complex heritage or DNA with a lot of Hydrangea macrophylla. You will quickly notice a mophead and lacecap look. It blooms on old wood, so pruning is not recommended other than a ...
BOY, have I got a fairytrail for you gardeners about an incredible new hydrangea. That sounds so funny and you are probably thinking a horticulturist is about to tell you a tall tale about a ...