Caroline Wozniacki, the Danish junior won who the Girls' title at Wimbledon and entered the U.S. Open with a shot at becoming the junior world champ, never made it through her first round.
Making a maple candy recipe requires little more than natural maple syrup, a bit of butter or oil, and a standard candy mold. If you crave the sweet maple candies sold at tourist shops ...
Sprinkle the oats, linseeds and bran onto a baking tray. Drizzle over the maple syrup and roll the dry ingredients around on the baking tray to coat them in the syrup. Bake the syrup-coated ...
Go to the recipe: Napoleon Cake If you have ever wondered ... have time to be making puff pastry the traditional way. Easy maple pecan plaits pastries are so decadent and delicious that you ...
My obsession with sneaking miso into baked goods continues apace with these squidgy, nutty cookies. That signature savouriness that miso brings to proceedings works so well against the buttery ...
The Master Cleanse is a liquid diet. When on this diet, you drink a beverage made of lemon juice, maple syrup, water, and cayenne pepper for 10 or more days. You also sip on salt water and herbal tea.
A sweet, zesty cake that combines bright, crowd-pleasing fruit and nuts. This mandarin cake is a real treat. It keeps very well in the fridge. Once you have zested the mandarins, peel and eat the ...
Wellness coach and recipe developer Miriam Hahn tells us, "I love using ripe bananas to add natural sweetness to recipes and pairing that with maple syrup offers a tasty balance of sweetness. These ...
Though the finished loaf, beautifully adorned with that sweet maple glaze, looks like something you might find in a bakery, this cake is actually a rather simple one to whip up — just ask recipe ...