The peppermint plant (Mentha x piperita) is a cross between two species of mint, spearmint and water mint. It is a perennial scented herb that's part of the Lamiaceae family. Peppermint is native to ...
How well does this essential oil work? Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is a natural cross between two types of mint: water mint (Mentha aquatica) and spearmint (Mentha spicata). It grows throughout ...
Spearmint tea has so many health benefits, from improving memory to even potentially reducing facial hair in women.
Alodia Spa Product: Revolutionizing Office Syndrome Treatment with Aromatherapy Massage.
They're your secret weapon. Getty Images I’ve always said that I’d spend more time outside if there were less bugs. There are ...
In a questionnaire survey of how dermatologists view the term "hypoallergenic cosmetic," 86% responded that the concept is valuable and that they would recommend such products for atopic patients ...