Potting mix doesn't actually contain any soil or dirt at all. It's a common misconception (often the result of confusing branding), but potting mix consists of organic matter and fertilizer along with ...
There are a whole class of additives, including perlite, that can help create air pockets in your soil. Knowing which to ...
You notice an old bag of potting soil in the corner of your garage…next to a pitchfork, dried-up paint cans, and the ...
Plus, why does it matter what type of soil you use in your planter? We’re sharing tips from the pros that’ll help whether you ...
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Potting mix vs. garden soil
Potting soil doesn't contain much organic material, so it doesn't provide enough nutrients to grow across multiple seasons.
Garden soil is too heavy for containers, so purchase a good quality potting soil or potting mix with organic materials like ...
Reuse your potting soil. Yes, you can use the same potting soil for several years, but first you must renew it by digging ...
While I was potting up the seedlings from the starter mix, I noticed the type of soil that was in the bag I had purchased. It ...
You can still grow a thriving vegetable garden even if you're short on outdoor space. twomeows / Whether you have a small ...
For more information visit Marianne Binetti will host a free seminar about “Dirt Cheap Gardening: Recycle, Propagate and ...
Wilted plants. You’ve probably already noticed them. It might have been last week when the rains came day after day. If your ...