Pool safety rules need to be a focus of any professional swimming ... as they let owners know when a child or pet has entered ...
Pools, ponds, lakes and oceans aren't the only dangerous areas for kids. A child can drown in as little as two inches of ...
By Jonathan Young As summer approaches, families will flock to pools for relaxation and recreation. However, amidst the ...
Child-proofing your pool space to protect your loved ones and ... live—or often visit—need some sort of barrier that ensures safety. Walls or fences that are either climb-proof or lockable ...
The city recreation department’s pool rules aren’t new, but consistent enforcement is a priority this year, officials said.
The color of your child’s swimsuit could impact their safety at a swimming pool or the beach. That’s according to water safety experts who have taken a close look at how the hue of swimwear ...
Dogs are extremely vulnerable to heat-related illnesses because they can cool off only by panting and through the pads in ...
Monday, the McDowell County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing about the proposed $63.7 million budget. One ...
We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Learn More › Whether you’re at a water park or relaxing in the backyard, diving into a ...