Learn the strategies and standards that can help greatly reduce the risk of fall-related injuries ... the installation of guardrails and safety nets. These systems are designed to provide a passive ...
Medical alert systems can provide peace of mind ... A variety of other features may be available, such as automatic fall detection. For those at higher risk for falls, this provides an essential ...
Most medical alert systems are designed for older adults, especially those living alone. While a medical alert system cannot prevent a fall or subsequent injury, it can help the person access ...
Blackline Safety Corp., a global pioneer in connected safety technology, announced its largest contract to date – an $8.5 ...
CNET’s expert staff reviews and rates dozens of new products and services each month, building on more than a quarter century of expertise.
He said the state is focused on maintaining safety-net systems while protecting Medicaid from being misused. Nationwide, health centers face a similar problem: a perfect financial storm created by ...
As a nation, we took it for granted that women would step in, says Jessica Calarco, the author of a new book, Holding it Together: How Women Became America’s Safety Net, which came out Tuesday.
If the past few years haven’t made that crystal clear, Jessica Calarco’s new book, Holding It Together: How Women Became America’s Safety Net ... disproportionately fall to wealthy people ...
Potomac Watch: Not all rich people are elitist—and that helps explain the growing chasm between a disconnected 'elite 1%' and average Americans. Images: Reuters/AFP/Getty Images/Zuma Press ...
There is an issue about the accuracy of the social safety net portfolio accounting ... misleading information and it inflates the social protection portfolio more than what it actually is.
He said the state is focused on maintaining safety-net systems while protecting Medicaid from being misused. Nationwide, health centers face a similar problem: a perfect financial storm created by ...
He said the state is focused on maintaining safety-net systems while protecting Medicaid from being misused. Nationwide, health centers face a similar problem: a perfect financial storm created by a ...