Recipe by Crock-Pot Ladies “You’re going to love ... This quick bread starts with a sweet sourdough and makes two loaves. ” ...
Sourdough is a type of bread that is naturally leavened and doesn’t require commercial yeast to make the dough rise. Sourdough bread has been around since the days of ancient Egypt, and until ...
Antara Sinha is a New York-based food writer and editor who has been working in print and digital media since 2017. Her articles and recipes have appeared in Food & Wine, Bon Appétit, MyRecipes ...
Combine the flour, starter and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add the water, a little at a time, and mix with your hands to make a soft dough (you may not need all of the water). Coat a chopping ...
“Old rumors are that the chuck wagon cook would sleep with his sourdough crock to keep it warm at night.” The best cornbread, many say, comes from good eggs. Cooking it successfully in cast iron over ...
As a passionate sourdough baker and slow cooking enthusiast, I've been considering buying a Dutch oven for a while. When the glass crock pot I had been using dropped and shattered into a million ...
Sourdough Sam is the hardest working mascot in the NFL. Striking gold at Candlestick Park in 1994, Sourdough was drafted to the 49ers as the team's official mascot! Sourdough Sam is a gold miner ...
Before moving to California from Leipzig, Germany, Anne Moser had never considered making sourdough bread. She didn’t know much about it and had no plans to become a professional baker. In fact, after ...
Chelsa Smith, the baker behind Bread by Chelsa B, started her cottage business in 2021 after receiving a sourdough starter as a gift. The bakery specialized in sourdough bread, as well as focaccia ...
Sourdough is a crusty, tangy bread that can be intimidating to make at home. The loaf begins with a sourdough starter, often called a "mother," which is a mixture of wild yeast and Lactobacillus ...
Before commercial yeast became available, bakers would use a bubbling mixture of yeasts and bacteria (a leaven) to both aerate the crumb and give a sharper flavour to the wheat. You can make your ...