may not be suitable for very stubborn stains Not suitable for use on wood or unsealed concrete floors Zep Neutral pH floor cleaner concentrate is a great choice for sealed concrete floors as well ...
For a more rigorous test, I applied Zep ... from a concrete floor, a concentrated degreaser works best since you can customize the concentration. You may also need a heavy-duty oven cleaner ...
Poured concrete floors are no longer exclusive to ... When you mop, use warm water and a pH-neutral cleaner to avoid damaging the finish. A few drops of dish soap in your mop bucket will do ...
They suck up dust, debris, pet fur, and pollutants. The best uprights have extra-strong suction and swappable brush heads (a motorized cleaner to agitate and lift dirt and debris from deep within ...
One of Europe's top cartoonists Philippe Chappuis, better known as Zep, is swapping pencils and brushes for guitars and ukuleles, turning his artistic talents towards folk pop with an English ...
Among all the cleaning gadgets, none work in quite the same way — or with the same thoroughness — as a steam cleaner. You’ll likely encounter at least a few types of steam cleaners when ...
If you had a visceral reaction to that word, you may want to invest in a robot vacuum cleaner. That’s because ... Garage floors are usually concrete, which will stain if substances sit on ...
If you have a lot of carpets to clean, a carpet cleaner is a total game-changer. The best carpet cleaners are far more effective than scrubbing away on your hands and knees with nothing more than ...
You can hire a house cleaner to do the work for you four times a year. If you need your place looking spick-and-span for special guests, you can hire a cleaning professional for a one-time session.
When a treatment spray isn’t powerful enough to remove mud, pet hair and stains, you should consider investing in a carpet cleaner. These appliances come in various designs (including upright ...
may not be suitable for very stubborn stains Not suitable for use on wood or unsealed concrete floors Zep Neutral pH floor cleaner concentrate is a great choice for sealed concrete floors as well ...