Thank you,” Katiya said. To the seal. To the water. To the earth. To the life and oil and meat given and the love felt when ...
The Justice Department says Attorney General Merrick Garland will not be prosecuted for contempt of Congress after refusing ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Fifteen years ago, I received a ring as a birthday gift from my boyfriend at the time. He insisted on ...
In downtown Atlanta, shipping containers have been transformed into an oasis for dozens of previously unsheltered people who ...
Dear Struggling: Not wanting mementos of an abusive and absent father is very understandable. Your aunt’s defensiveness has ...
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones speaks to the media after arriving at the federal courthouse for a hearing in front ...
The rebels’ former arsenal of assault rifles and pickup trucks has grown into a seemingly inexhaustible supply of drones, ...
Justices voted 6-3 to strike down a ban on bump stocks, which allow semi-automatic weapons to fire rapidly like machine guns.
On a flight from Phoenix to Oakland, the plane went into a “Dutch roll,” a yawing motion when the tail slides and the plane ...
The long in-the-works effort is intended to reinvigorate the ministry and assure Indigenous communities that they don’t need ...
Ruins of a Native American boarding school on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation are pictured in Mission, S.D. U.S. Catholic ...
The independent presidential candidate said he would reverse the nation’s “decay” by cutting the U.S. military budget by half ...