I often ask people if they are happy. The answers vary, but the most consistent one is, “I would be happy if...” as if ...
What is success? How should one be and and what should one do to feel successful? I’ve written much on this topic. And not ...
Most days, when I flip open my social media accounts, I see at least one post about cutting off toxic people. In these social ...
Baek’s research studied perceptions and attitudes about makeup use by new seniors during the pre‐elderly stage. Through ...
Certain co-workers try to force their views on you. They are so convinced that their way is the better way that they are ...
Conformity can be categorized into two main types: normative conformity and informational conformity. "The opposite of ...
Do you have a friend that you feel you can totally be yourself with and you won’t be judged? That is the definition of ...
I am someone who likes to complete tasks right away and who tends to work ahead if possible. Even if I don’t technically have ...
Winston Churchill, known for his powerful speeches and writings, once said, "Never, never, in nothing, great or small, large ...
Ryan, teary-eyed, stared off and said to me, "I think Lisa dumped me because she kept telling her friends I was a jerk. I ...
Examining the interplay between the gut microbiome, the brain, and the immune system throughout life and the role of ...
Any kind of exercise, from low to moderate to high intensity, will work wonders for your mental health and well-being.