The UN Security Council on 10 June approved a resolution unequivocally calling for an immediate and long-term ceasefire in ...
International aid organisations are “utterly failing” people affected by jihadist conflict in Burkina Faso, said Norwegian ...
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The different responses to UN staff torture claims in Ethiopia and Gaza, mapping debt, and how military ops in space can hit ...
Several different factors appear to be pushing people from Türkiye to take irregular journeys to seek protection outside the ...
Intensifying conflict has seen access restrictions, clinic closures, and supply shortages decimate the healthcare response of ...
For migrants from faraway continents, significant language barriers are translating into exorbitant costs and spiralling ...
Aid obstruction, UN disunity, and a failure to respond to large-scale sexual violence: What went wrong in Ethiopia, and why ...
IRAQ: Three attacks in the past week on Baghdad branches of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), with Iraqi security forces injuring ...
National staff are forced to make difficult choices between their livelihoods and safety, often unbeknownst to their ...
India’s minorities live in fear of greater disenfranchisement and discrimination by Modi and his Hindu nationalist BJP party.
A report by an American-based institution, the New Lines Institute, indicates that Ethiopia’s National Defense Force (ENDF) and its backers – the Eritrean Defence Forces (EDF), and the Amhara Special ...