It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Christian R. Hirsch, who will be remembered for his leadership and ...
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and The National Association for the Education of Young Children's Early Math Interest Forum (NAEYC EMIF) have collaborated to produce a new, ...
“Linking research and practice continues to be foundational to the Council. Making these two events concurrent and bringing the two communities together not only broadens access to the important ...
The Factor Game applet was adapted with permission and guidance from "Prime Time: Factors and Multiples," Connected Mathematics Project, G. Lappan, J. Fey, W ...
Intersectional justice is denied in mathematics education. In this address, I elevate voices from Latin* mathematics learners across ethnicities, genders, and sexualities to capture barriers and ...
Where does math come from: from rules in a textbook? From logic and deduction? Not quite. In this talk Eugenia Cheng will argue that math comes from human curiosity – most importantly, from asking ...
Math needs a better marketing team. As math educators, how can we show people that math is fun, surprising, and powerful? On social media, we can see many people engaging with math, so let’s learn ...
NCTM supports fostering students' positive mathematical identities by broadening the purpose of learning mathematics and implementing equitable mathematics instruction, so every student has access to ...
Data can be numbers, counts, and measurements but also images, video, sounds, or words. Students need to grapple with the fast-changing nature of data, yet a gap exists between the concepts taught in ...
Use this tool to strengthen understanding and computation of numerical expressions and equality. In understanding equality, one of the first things students must realize is that equality is a ...