Aiming to send a message, the Biden administration recently spotlighted its indictments and convictions in cases involving threats to election officials or workers. But with no letup in reports of attacks,
A ghost from recent election cycles — controversies over certification of results — is beginning to re-emerge as the nation heads closer to the fall presidential contest.
Thousands of Coloradans responding to a survey by The Denver Post and other local newsrooms say candidates competing for their votes this year need to be focused primarily on several broad issues: democracy and good government,
Ballot measures in three South Dakota counties failed on Tuesday that would move to counting votes on election night by hand. Broader calls for such a change demonstrate the enduring effects of conspiracy theories.
Five months before the general election, he’s still not a declared candidate for any office, but he’s hitched up the guessing-game wagon one more time. And there’s still time, albeit shrinking, to mull potential runs for governor, the Senate or even the U.S. presidency.
A new Fox News survey of Virginia voters showed Biden and Trump tied with 48% support, a development that could have major campaign implications.
Donald Trump can vote in November’s election provided he is not incarcerated on Election Day, according to Florida and New York laws and contrary to online posts saying he is ineligible to vote after his May 30 felony conviction in New York.
The two top officials of the Federal Election Commission are split over whether broadcast radio and television political advertisements should be required to disclose whether content is generated by artificial intelligence (AI).
Donald Trump’s allies could soon add another U.S. House member to their ranks, as Ohio voters head to the polls in a district the Republican former president carried comfortably in 2020
"We've seen this movie before and now in a supporting role, in this movie, the Supreme Court," Glenn Kirschner said.
Biden and Trump voters differ sharply over the state of women’s progress in the U.S., as well as over whether society should prioritize marriage and
Most American voters (72%) place a lot of importance on publicly discussing the nation’s historical successes and strengths – with nearly as many (68%)
For Democratic Party heavyweight Beto O'Rourke, the arrival of Texas Democrats in El Paso presents an opportunity to change narrative on border life.
Source: Election results are from The Associated Press. Produced by Michael Andre, Camille Baker, Neil Berg, Michael Beswetherick, Matthew Bloch, Irineo Cabreros, Nate Cohn, Alast
Trump and Biden remain virtually tied in many polls, but surveys that overlap with Trump's conviction show it may hurt him.
To track newsmakers, we’ve updated our "people" section. Right now, it features President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La.; this list will shift as the presidential race further unfolds.
ToplineThe outcome of the presidential election likely hinges on six purple states President Joe Biden won in 2020—but he trails former President Donald Trump in all of them, according to RealClearPolitics’ polling averages,
As Trump pushes false claims about the 2020 election, those in the running to be his VP pick have been cautious when asked if they'll accept the 2024 election results.
A recent report said that the number of new gun owners since the 2020 election reportedly equals 22.3 million people, or the population of Florida.