Britain faces an ever increasing risk from Russia using a new spy tactic with the country badly unprepared having not ...
Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess are critically ill in hospital in Wiltshire after being exposed to the nerve agent Novichok. Police said they were exposed after handling a contaminated item ...
The journalist who interviewed the two Russians suspected of the Salisbury Novichok attack hung up on ... This week, Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron said the UK wouldn't block arms exports to ...
THE parents of the police officer poisoned in last year’s Novichok attack have hit out at the BBC for its decision to dramatise the incident in a television series. Steve and Sue Bailey ...
Two Russian nationals have been accused of travelling to the UK to try to murder Mr Skripal with Novichok. Evidence gathered by intelligence agencies led the Government to conclude that the men ...
A BRADFORD University professor, who used a face-ageing technique he designed to confirm the true identify of the two Russian Novichok suspects ... named by the UK authorities as Boshirov and ...
He claims Putin was emboldened by the UK's weak response to the Sergei Skripal poisoning incident ... having been poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok. At the time of the 2018 attack, Russian ...
THE police officer who was poisoned with Novichok in the Russian nerve agent attack in March has spoken for the first time about his experiences. Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey, from Alderholt in ...
If you have suffered food poisoning and believe a restaurant is responsible there may be something you can do. Firstly you must visit your doctor when you fall ill who will take a sample of faeces.
Appearing nervous and uncomfortable, the men confirmed their names as those announced by the UK investigators - Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov Two men named as suspects in the poisoning of a ...
MI5 has been ordered to “refocus” its efforts on targeting spies rather than terrorists following a major recruitment drive ...
Britain has been infiltrated by spies who are now integrating themselves into the country after a soft response to the Sergei Skripal poisoning, say defence experts. Saturday mark ...