Was there one moment when you fell in love with Shakespeare? Oh yes, no question. I was seven and my eldest brother, Peter, was playing Duncan in Macbeth at school. The line was, “What bloody ...
Never met a theme she didn't like. Tessa Petak is a Brooklyn-based writer who helps to cultivate InStyle's illustrious news coverage across a wide range of topics including celebrity, fashion, and ...
RENO, Nev. – The brutal Republican primary in one major swing state is finally coming to an end as voters head to the polls Tuesday to determine which candidate will face off against what is ...
In other cases, mini split systems feature wall-mounted boxes which, if not ugly, likely wouldn't be your first choice for interior decoration. While it's not the first heat pump to try to solve ...
On Sunday, Donald Trump posted video of a man raging and cursing uncontrollably at MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough outside what appears to be an airport in New York. This generated a flurry of attention ...
By Vanessa Friedman Debates can get, well, ugly in Congress, but rarely do they descend to the level of physical taunts. Yet that is exactly what happened on Thursday during a meeting of the House ...
Some years ago, I asked a major league manager I’d come to know well about the umpire Angel Hernandez. “You see he’s working a series, you know he’s gonna f–k you once, and he’s ...
It’s all migration’s fault,’’ she said. “I think that sort of sets us up for some pretty ugly politics which doesn’t require much rational, you know, detail of policy.” But Mr Dutton ...
There were ugly scenes as he was leaving the field when former Maroons player and current assistant coach Myles was seen mouthing off at Suaalii. Myles was on the sideline speaking to Selwyn Cobbo ...
Michelle Terry is a superb Richard, but this production doesn’t feel rounded enough to truly silence all the controversy around it Should a non-disabled actor be allowed to play Shakespeare’s ...
Because being ugly may actually help you attract the opposite sex, scientists believe. They have found that having an 'unusual' appearance can be a good way to charm a mate. It might help explain ...