To deadhead your plants, pinch off below the old flowers with your fingers or snip them off with a pruning shears.
When the roots fail to function properly, whether due to dryness or when excess water drives air out of the soil, they can’t ...
Use a sharp knife to divide tubers. Tubers need to be stored in a cool, dark area with some humidity. Stone explains that the ...
There are so many plants that many gardeners want them all. As you choose more plants throughout the growing season, consider ...
Another week has gone by or in other words, it’s getting closer to heading out to your favorite garden center to buy annuals.
Dianne Keen was in frail health and homeless, but she liked to garden. Following her death last winter, her friends at the Safe Harbour homeless shelter in Red Deer are continuing to tend to her ...
They're bright, bold and beautiful, these blooms can elevate your outdoor living space and bring it back to life ...
I would like to start a perennial flower border in an area where I have previously planted annuals. Could you recommend some ...
Financial news including quarterlies, annuals, and regulatory actions about the UK biometrics and digital identity firm ...
Elizabeth Fernandez / Getty Images These plants work well in window boxes, but if you have a large window space, they can ...
Pam and Joe said that when the perennials have finished flowering, the potted annuals step up to put on a show. Joe rattles off the names of the various plants that make the front yard a show place ...