Youth activists are requesting an urgent meeting with Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison in order to advance ...
The buck famously stopped on President Harry Truman’s desk. The current White House prefers to dissemble, point fingers and ...
Charleston County Circuit Court Judge Roger Young approved settlements from three Folly Beach bars and other  businesses in a ...
This summary covers recent US news highlights, including President Joe Biden's plan to offer a path to citizenship for ...
Kennedy's campaign team has accused CNN of "colluding with the Biden and Trump campaigns" to block his participation.
Trump, who’s 78 years old, tried to refer to footage of Biden, 81, at a recent G7 meeting in Europe that went viral on social ...
They are veering from cautious optimism to complete pessimism about their long odds this year, with two liberal-leaning state ...
In June, allegations surfaced claiming that Biden's campaign sought to renegotiate debate terms to allow him to sit during ...
“She comes across sometimes like a girl version of Yosemite Sam, just kind of ‘pew, pew, pew, pew,’” said Wendy Davis, a ...
It seemed as though the wily Floridian had emerged from the cloud of suspicion surrounding his personal behavior over the years, much of it in the company of ex-bestie JOEL GREENBERG, who pleaded ...
Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is ramping up efforts to make the first presidential debate stage ahead of a rapidly ...
Even after former President Donald Trump’s criminal conviction, he leads President Joe Biden by nearly 20 percentage points ...