The Ottawa Titans are back in town this weekend for their second homestand of the season. Coming off of a short road trip to ...
The Ottawa BlackJacks have faced a challenging beginning to their CEBL season, starting with a 0-2 record. The team, which ...
There’s a cornucopia of films at the ByTowne and the Mayfair in the first half of June. Let's see what's in store!
CityFolk takes place at Lansdowne Park, September 11-15. For more information and ticket sales, visit this LINK.
In this regular feature, Apt613 asks blog contributors and local food lovers about their recent Ottawa area restaurant ...
Unbelievably, this weekend marks the arrival of June! With it comes blue skies, sunshine, and a whole lot to get out and do around town! The weekend is chock-full of fun, so without further ado, we ...
I love how the Ottawa Jazz Festival consistently attracts great musicians—and an audience that genuinely appreciates them.
June 13, 2024 We'd love you to join us at Apt613's 15th anniversary party to celebrate and thank our contributors, supporters, readers, staff, and friends. This event also doubles as the Ottawa Fringe ...
The "lawyer play" is an annual fundraiser at the Great Canadian Theatre Company (GCTC), and has run for the last 24 years. This year's production is Canadian author and playwright Anne-Marie MacDonald ...
There’s a cornucopia of films at the ByTowne and the Mayfair in the first half of June. Let’s see what’s in store!
There’s a cornucopia of films at the ByTowne and the Mayfair in the first half of June. Let’s see what’s in store!