In an audio recording obtained by The Nevada Independent, Republican congressional candidate Flemming Larsen said he employs undocumented immigrants at his California restaurants, referring to his ...
From Nevada’s longest-serving state Sen. Bill Raggio to outgoing Senate Minority Leader Heidi Seevers Gansert (R-Reno), the ...
Donald Trump was charged, convicted, and is awaiting sentencing on 34 counts of "interfering" in the election by falsifying ...
The ACLU of Nevada announced the Elko County Sheriff's Office is now complying with new requirements to facilitate voting for ...
Caesars Entertainment believes merging its player pools in three online poker states — including Nevada — timed with the ...
In an audio recording obtained by The Nevada Independent of a speech to supporters at a Las Vegas early vote rally that same ...
Prosecutors said parts of the Postal Service’s transformation plan, including the Reno to Sacramento move, violate federal ...
A Clark County District Court judge is ordering the Clark County School Board to immediately rescind a governance policy that ...
The mailer (and another one highlighting a recent FBI investigation into Neal) was paid for by North Valley PAC, which was ...
Now retired, living in Southern Nevada since 2021, and worth as much as $74 million, O’Donnell is attempting to use the ...
The SOS has different numbers than Washoe for mail ballots — my guess is, as I suspected, that the Washoe folks listed the wrong universe. (Ugh.) Here's what the SOS says Washoe mail shows — and these ...
Washoe County Commissioner Mariluz Garcia says she expected some mudslinging when she ran for her District 3 seat as a ...