In recent years, more researchers have dug into the extent of fatal police shootings. But what about the survivors?
Collecting granular data about farm operations promised a farming revolution. Improvements have come, but only incrementally.
Scientists are testing new tools to spot the origin of cheetahs poached from the wild and smuggled for the pet trade.
In West Virginia, a utility giant sought to persuade Forest Service officials to disregard steep environmental risks.
Last June, an anti-noise advocacy group, Quiet Communities, sued the Environmental Protection Agency for not doing its job to limit the loud sounds people are exposed to in everyday life. The group is ...
While short-lived, the denial came as a surprise. This March, Loudoun County, a suburb of Washington, D.C. in Northern Virginia that is home to the greatest concentration of data centers in the world, ...
Myrna Broncho realized just how necessary an internet connection can be after she broke her leg. In fall 2021, the 69-year-old, who lives on the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho, climbed a ladder to the ...
In 2019, Colin Purrington, an evolutionary biologist, was scrolling through the internet when he came across something that would change his life. Purrington, 57, who left a professor position at ...
When Ina Chung, a Colorado mother, first fed packaged foods to her infant, she was careful to read the labels. Her daughter was allergic to peanuts, dairy, and eggs, so products containing those ...
Across the North American West, giant, ancient, gnarled whitebark pines grow along mountain ridges where practically no other tree can survive. Although these trees have been known to thrive for ...
In the summer of 1919, John Johnson, a biology professor at what was then known as Western State College, headed off to do some fieldwork at a site near Gothic, Colorado, an abandoned silver mining ...