A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (29 May 2024) on the reported attempt by North Korea to launch a satellite on 28 May 2024: The Federal Government ...
With reference to the Action Plan on Bilateral Cooperation signed by the Greek and German Foreign Ministers in Athens on 4 December 2016, the sixth round of consultations at State Secretary level ...
The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom, the High Representative of the European Union, and the ...
A Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement today (31 May 2024) on reports of the latest series of ballistic missile tests by North Korea on 30 May: We condemn in the ...
In 2009, developed countries committed to a goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion in climate finance a year by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries in the context of ...
Statement by the Federal Foreign Office on reports of the testing of several short-range ballistic missiles by North Korea ...
A foreign state may require proof of authenticity for a German public document. International treaties between Germany and certain countries regulate this matter. Accordingly, different procedures ...
If a foreign public document is presented in Germany, the receiving German authority may require a proof of authenticity. International treaties between Germany and certain countries regulate this ...
Konsularische Dienstleistungen: Es werden alle konsularischen Dienstleistungen angeboten. Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Konsularischer Amtsbezirk: Äthiopien. Die Vertretung unterstützt die Botschaft Dschibuti (Republik Dschibuti) in Rechts- und Konsularangelegenheiten. Konsularische Dienstleistungen: Es werden ...
Vor seiner Reise nach Singapur und Laos erklärte Staatsminister Lindner heute (31.05.2024): Wir müssen in einer zunehmend multipolaren Welt enger mit den Ländern zusammenarbeiten, die unser Bekenntnis ...
Am 31.05. treffen sich die Außenministerinnen und Außenminister der NATO in Prag. Auf der Agenda steht die Vorbereitung des Gipfeltreffens in Washington im Juli und die NATO-Unterstützung für ...