The recent Echo ‘Sustainability’ supplement states that the cheapest EV in Australia is the MG4 long-range, costing $52,000. That is incorrect! Few people actually need such extended ranges for their ...
Danny Wakil blasts my ‘incredibly biased anti-Israel letters’ and ‘fictitious claims about Israel’, but he doesn’t cite a single instance of the alleged bias or fictitious claims. In the absence of ...
As science progresses the magical, spiritual, perceptions of the world fall away into the garbage trucks that pass by as we awaken from our dreams. One can ask what is consciousness, is it a wonderful ...
An information session about the relocation and concept design for the new Lennox Head Public School to be built on the ...
Over the coming months, you, dear constituent, will be subjected to local politicians campaigning for the September 14 ...
The last 12 months have seen a record number of koalas killed or severely injured due to vehicle strikes in the region and ...
In 2023, scientists from around the world said that action needs to be taken on climate change before it is too late.
Pottsville Tavern again applied for extended hours for the tavern which was approved, despite local opposition, to extend ...
Come rain, hail or shine, the Old & Gold Festival will celebrate 20 years this Saturday. There will be 100 registered garage ...
With former Greens mayor, Simon Richardson, having mentored both current mayoral candidates Cr Sarah Ndiaye and Mayor Michael ...
The Iron Gates development site in Evans Head is surrounded by Crown Lands  to the north, east and south which have been ...
This Saturday, the Mahico Festival takes over The Green Room at Tyagarah’s Byron Events Farm and the Latin American vibes ...