The 2024-25 NSW Budget delivers a plan to build quality homes and ease the pressure on renters, home builders and those living in strata communities with a $55.2 million investment.
The Minns Labor Government is building a stronger local government sector by ensuring councils are better positioned to deliver on the key outcomes their communities need, including the delivery of ...
The Minns Labor Government will deliver up to 30,000 new homes with an unprecedented intervention in the housing market by leveraging surplus government land and public housing construction to build ...
The 2024-25 NSW Budget will invest $6.9 million over four years to boost statewide paediatric rheumatology services, the largest ever investment in NSW history.
The NSW State Government will invest $2.5m to make sure Penrith Beach can return for the 2024-25 summer swim season.
The 2024-25 NSW Budget will establish a NSW Rental Taskforce to help deliver the Minns Labor Government’s plan to build better communities and a fairer rental market.
The NSW Government has committed an additional $200.1 million to increase key health worker accommodation across rural and regional areas of the state as part of the 2024-25 NSW Budget.
The Minns Labor Government is putting more SafeWork NSW inspectors on the ground to enforce the engineered stone ban coming into force next month.
Motorists in the NSW Central West are enjoying full access to a stronger, safer and wider Mandagery Creek Bridge for the first time.
The NSW Government is developing a much-needed Rail Resilience Plan for the Illawarra, delivering on an election commitment and improving the South Coast Line for rail commuters.
Tabcorp Holdings Limited has approached the NSW Government with an indicative proposal to make tax and regulatory changes to the wagering sector that would alter the way funding flows to the racing ...
The Minns Labor Government will invest $3.4 billion in 2024-25 to upgrade hospitals and health facilities across the state as part of the 2024-25 NSW Budget ensuring patients continue to receive ...