House lawmakers made quality of life for younger service members a major focus of their authorization bill, highlighted by a ...
The House on Friday approved its version of the annual defense policy bill that includes a number of controversial culture ...
A group opposed to wasteful spending and some House Republicans warned that spending known as earmarks was contributing to ...
Defenders of the practice say it allows members of Congress, who know the needs of their states and districts, to respond with specific funding. The projects comprise a small portion of total federal ...
The U.S. Senate passed a House-approved bill late Thursday to suspend the national debt limit and put a lid on government spending for two years, and President Joe Biden is expected to sign the ...
House appropriators passed the Financial Services and General Government 2025 spending bill yesterday, thought it's 20% below what President Biden wanted.
47. Less than half (49.1%) of students who said they had credit card debt in a 2023 survey reported owing $1,000 or more.
Martin along with 1970s predecessors at BCA developed a theory they call the Debt Supercycle. The original idea was to ...
Five Republican candidates and two Democratic candidates filed for the U.S. Representative District 4 seat, which represents ...
Are you dealing with the negative credit impact of a debt settlement program? Here's how to improve your score.
It may seem so early to be thinking about building credit, but the sooner you get educated about credit health and what it ...
The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal is cautioning the city on finances, salaries and housing as part of its report to the city’s 2025 pre-budget consultation.