NSW will be hit with a triple whammy of cold/flu, Covid and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) this flu season, with influenza cases “likely” to increase rapidly over the next six to eight weeks.
“If you’ve got cold or flu symptoms, do the right thing, stay at home. “If you do need to leave the home, wear a mask, it’s as simple as that.” ...
As bird flu continues to spread among cattle in the U.S., WebMD and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) joined forces on Thursday to present a live-streamed briefing on the status ...
A flurry of reports about the genetics of the bird flu currently infecting U.S. cattle are offering insight into how the virus has and continues to spread. Since it first emerged in late 2020 ...
Laboratory tests by the US Department of Agriculture haven’t found any H5N1 bird flu virus in raw beef, but they are a good reminder why eating rare hamburgers can be risky. As part of a suite ...
The CDC has released a new dashboard to track the spread of bird flu. The dashboard includes data on wastewater sampling sites that have tested positive for influenza A. The CDC is also monitoring ...
May 16, 2024 – Multiple U.S. agencies are working to contain the recent bird flu outbreak among cattle to prevent further spread to humans (beyond one case reported in early April) and use what ...
“We’re ahead of the game in terms of avian flu vaccine, compared to where we were with COVID,” says Shira Doron, chief infection control officer at Tufts Medicine and a hospital ...
A turkey on a Maine farm pictured in 2011. Avian flu remains a risk to Maine birds two years after it was first detected here. Credit: BDN File It’s been more than two years since avian flu was ...
The outbreak of bird flu in the U.S. has alarmed researchers and prompted new efforts to track the virus that’s already killed millions of birds from Europe to Antarctica. As H5N1 continues to ...
But what is the risk of bird flu spillover in humans? Right now, local scientists are working to answer those key questions. As we continue to report on the virus we want to know — do you have ...