It is obligatory to report any case of dengue to health authorities in Metropolitan France. “Yes, the risk is larger than ...
Jayne Toulson-Burke has issued a warning to travellers to take precautions after the Foreign Office issued a health alert last week amid 'an unexpected rise’ in cases of dengue and deaths caused by ...
Even if they are welcomed by locals, expat children may still struggle to form strong social bonds as they struggle with ...
A British mother urged travellers ahead of the holiday season to be wary of dengue fever after losing her son to the disease in Thailand.
Her son Bob died of dengue fever in a hospital in Thailand on December 7 ... is named Tearful Jayne told the Manchester Evening News: "That's the last time I ever heard from him. He went into a coma ...
Although warmer temperatures have led to mosquitoes appearing in Houston earlier than ever, other factors like rainfall also ...
The Stockport lad picked up the deadly dengue fever when he was travelling around South East Asia and sadly died in a Thai ...
Veterinarians treat infected pets by giving medications to kill the worms in the bloodstream.
Jayne Toulson-Burke has revealed upsetting details of her son's death as part her campaign to spread awareness about the ...
The California Valley region is expected to experience an excessive heat wave beginning Tuesday, with temperatures reaching ...
A mosquito tested positive for the West Nile virus found in a trap in the neighborhood of Winnetka, according to officials.