In the world of medicines, proprietary names are the brand names or trade names that pharmaceutical manufacturers give to ...
The union health and family welfare ministry has advised states to create policies and identify strategies to prevent ...
The best way to make it through airport security and abroad with no issues is by first and foremost keeping medications in ...
For many people, accessing the medicines they need is a matter of picking up a prescription at a pharmacy or hospital. But ...
The e-prescription is now running better, the participants of the final e-prescription summit agree, but there is still room ...
Take your out-of-date pills and unused potions to dedicated disposal services, and always finish your course of antibiotics ...
Customer complaints coincide with major changes at CarelonRx, as Elevance juggles pharmacy delivery company switchovers.
Others require a prescription from your veterinarian. You can buy prescription medicines from your veterinarian or online pet pharmacies and stores like Chewy, Petco, and PetSmart. Prescription ...
All erectile dysfunction medicines, whether prescription or over-the-counter, can cause side effects. PDE5 inhibitors are a primary treatment for erectile dysfunction. People can discuss the side ...
If Colorado’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board follows through with setting a price cap on certain medications, doctors’ ...
The return of the $5 prescription fee for most people is the main change for New Zealand’s health system in Budget 2024. The ...
The Federal Government of Nigeria has inaugurated a Steering Committee tasked with developing the Nigeria National ...