The findings provide a platform to advance understanding of pain and find better treatments. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ...
Models like this and the recently developed vagina-on-a-chip can counter a historical research gap in women’s reproductive ...
CAR T-cell therapy has redefined the treatment of blood cancers, saving the lives of tens of thousands of people. The therapy ...
Community awards received by current Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine faculty, postdocs, staff, ...
Even before we are born and begin experiencing the sensations of daily life — a soft shirt on our arms, for example, or a hard tabletop under our fingertips — humans begin to form the senses needed to ...
Study shows two related kinds of gut bacteria can modify steroids differently from how human cells do and demonstrates that gas affects which ones gut bacteria produce. Work suggests gut microbiota ...
A 51-year-old woman from Port-au-Prince has an operation to remove her gallbladder at the Hopital Universitaire de Mirebalais in Mirebalais, Haiti, on March 23, 2023. Image: Nadia Todres for Partners ...
Established in 1782, the School has produced generations of physicians whose life's work is to care for patients with skill, compassion and integrity. HMS graduates also embrace opportunities to have ...