An OpenAI executive said Elon Musk's threat to ban Apple devices at his companies revealed a deep misunderstanding of his ...
It turns out only Google's cloud has the tensor processing unit (TPU) chips designed specifically to run AI applications and ...
That's according to Mike Treff, CEO of design and digital transformation agency Code & Theory. Adding motion to your ...
Three new features could really boost how people with disabilities can use their iPhones. It's a reminder that companies can ...
Inclusion of the popular buy now, pay later option on Apple Pay may facilitate increased trade for businesses, but its higher ...
The AARP Foundation is among plaintiffs seeking class action status for the suit, saying the language discouraged older ...
By telling employees not to talk about their departure, you ensure that they will talk more than they would if you told them ...
A new report from Gallup finds that workers under 35 are more likely to experience loneliness--and many are actively seeking ...
It's the question everyone's wondering: Who's going to be Donald Trump's running mate? Or maybe, who wants to be Trump's ...
Suit claims CEO sold off Tesla shares ahead of Musk's purchase of Twitter, when the stock plunged on the news.
Jose Badia started the Doral, Florida-based company after moving from Cuba to Miami. Soon after, his son Joseph "Pepe" Badia ...
Model positive language. As a leader, your language sets the tone for your organization. Consistently use words that reflect ...