Biosafety-related bills in Congress will likely follow in the footsteps of semiconductor competition and become a new arena for U.S. competition against China. Regardless who wins the election in ...
Facing a choice of autonomy or continued dependence on the United States, some factions on the continent seek to avoid that stark choice. In pursuit of a European pillar within NATO, the EU appears to ...
Hungary's strategic partnership with China represents a bold pivot aimed at enhancing its geopolitical and economic standing amidst an era of great power competition. But to safeguard itself from ...
Increasing isolation is making it difficult for the Netanyahu government to secure support from the United States, which faces a dilemma: It can continue to back Israel, or it can distance itself from ...
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva during a ministerial meeting at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia, Brazil, on May ...
I am greatly honored to be invited to speak on this auspicious occasion of the inaugural of the Asia Global Dialogue hosted by the Fung Global Institute. My discussion today is entitled “China-US ...
A positive peace is needed, one that weaves prosperity and security together for all. The DPRK’s economic connection to the ...
Having endured an abundance of U.S.-led suppression, Russia will undoubtedly move to take advantage of its BRICS presidency ...
Expanding the dialogue to include a broader range of stakeholders would provide more diverse perspectives with regard to the ...
China-Japan-ROK cooperation is not aimed at the United States, and it should not be constrained. The sustainability of future ...
Myanmar's civil war, now in its fourth year, has seen a high intensity of conflict with little international attention due to other global crises. China, with its complex interests in Myanmar, must ...
President Barack Obama’s August 2014 charge that China is a free-rider in the Middle East is still providing momentum for American academia and media to question China’s role in the region. It is ...