(Bangkok) – The Thai government should immediately release Y Quynh Bdap, a Montagnard religious freedom activist and refugee, ...
For the first time, the United Nations secretary-general added the Israeli armed forces to the “list of shame” of warring ...
I am Liz Evenson, and I direct the International Justice Program at Human Rights Watch. Human Rights Watch investigates and ...
Responding to the decision of the High Court granting permission for Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to ...
We, the undersigned Egyptian, regional and international human rights organisations, urge the European Commission and member states to uphold international and EU law to ensure that macro-financial ...
Las organizaciones de derechos humanos egipcias, regionales e internacionales abajo firmantes instamos a la Comisión Europea ...
El partido gobernante de Georgia parece no cansarse de atacar los derechos fundamentales. Tras su muy impopular ley sobre "agentes extranjeros", el gobierno propone ahora un proyecto de ley anti-LGBT.