Missouri lawmakers set their sights on new laws to make it easier for families to score tax credits on private school tuition ...
The lunar probe mission aims to collect soil and rock samples that could provide insights into differences between the ...
Mexicans will vote for a new president on Sunday. The ruling party's candidate is leading by double digits in most polls, even though critics are worried that if the party further consolidates its ...
A group of hackers claimed this week to have stolen 1.3 terabytes of Ticketmaster user data, including names, addresses and ...
Wyoming is home to hundreds of wolves, most live in or near Yellowstone National Park. They’re protected and a big tourist ...
Geopolitics can be messy. Sometimes, worse than messy. This week North Korea reportedly released more than 260 balloons into South Korea, packed with toilet paper, batteries, and what some news ...
JOHANNESBURG — South Africa’s ruling African National Congress party has lost its outright majority for the first time in a ...
After two years of paying more for things, Americans are growing more cautious about how they spend their money and are ...
MEXICO CITY — At 92, Elena Poniatowska, one of Mexico's most distinguished writers, has chronicled decades of women’s history ...
The Boeing Starliner is launching years behind schedule and NASA had to offload crew suitcases to make room for some ...
Housing, medical care, schools, water and electricity are all in short supply in Gaza, which has endured a nearly eight-month ...