The floating pier built by the US to bring humanitarian aid into Gaza amid the Israeli war on Gaza could be dismantled ...
UNRWA says 67 per cent of Gaza's water and sanitation facilities have been destroyed or damaged by Israel’s war on the ...
A detained Palestinian journalist from Gaza has described multiple instances of torture, abuse and rape at the Sde Teiman ...
Nasrallah warned that the possibility of an incursion into the Galilee region in northern Israel remains plausible in the ...
Since October 7, the rift between the military and political establishments in Israel has reached new heights.
Israel’s “total siege” of Gaza “weaponized the provision of life-sustaining necessities for strategic and political gains," ...
Foreign Policy reported, citing an Israeli diplomat, that Israel would face a “strategic threat” in the case of an all-out ...
Hundreds of protesters held a sit-in outside Citibank’s headquarters in New York demanding an end to the funding of Israel’s ...
The environmental impacts of Israel’s war on Gaza are unprecedented, according to a preliminary assessment by the UN ...
The ongoing genocide, to be sure, is a matter of race and religion, but only because the perpetrators want it that way.
The news website Axios reported, citing American officials, that the White House canceled a high-level meeting with Israel ...
At least 12 Israeli soldiers have been injured in the past 24 hours, including five in ground battles in the Gaza Strip.