Results of the PURPOSE 1 trial indicated that a twice-yearly injection of lenacapavir outperformed the once-daily oral ...
Approval of Sofdra marks the first chemical entity to be approved by the FDA to treat primary axillary hyperhidrosis.
AI is being utilized across the pharma industry, often in unique and unexpected ways. Aidoc announced its latest updates to ...
Michael Armstrong is CTO and co-founder at Authenticx, a company focused on building and training AI models for ...
Expansion of Elevidys includes patients over the age of four years with Duchenne muscular dystrophy regardless of their ...
Prime Therapeutics announced that it has partnered with Magellan Rx Management to launch a pharmaceutical platform for plan ...
Approval of Skyrizi marks the first IL-23 specific inhibitor approved for both ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease of ...
Thomas Rademacher is considered by some to be one of the founders of biotech. Most recently, he co-founded and serves as CEO ...
Approval for Capvaxive was based on results from three Phase III trials, which found Capvaxive to be beneficial preventing ...
Data from an early phase trial published in Nature found that Parkinson disease patients treated with UB-312 experienced ...
Q&A with Evaluate’s Paul Verdin digs deeper into the data-backed drivers likely to sway the future growth and jockeying of ...
Alignment with Personal Values and Ethics: Those guided by strong personal values centered on kindness, compassion, and the ...