With a large protest movement loudly demanding his resignation, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has a lot on his ...
Red graffiti reading 8,372 -- the official number of victims of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina -- has ...
A plane en route from Moscow to Chisinau made an emergency landing in Bucharest on June 14, Moldovan authorities and a ...
Group of Seven leaders affirmed their decision to make available around $50 billion to Ukraine by leveraging “the ...
Washington and the West took a series of steps to shore up Ukraine’s defenses and weaken Russia's war effort. Meanwhile, a ...
Given the fact that Ukrainian forces have been unable to reclaim much territory since a counteroffensive in the fall of 2022, ...
Notorious kingpin Bakhtiyor Qudratullaev -- the man who brazenly organized a gathering of "thieves-in-law" or high-ranking ...
A court in the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek, has acquitted 27 activists who were facing 20 years in prison for protesting a border ...
Cultivating silkworms is an ancient, labor-intensive task shared by entire Uzbek families. As worms grow to several times ...
In June 2014, control of the southeastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol hung in the balance between pro-Russian separatists and ...
Over 400,000 Afghans have been expelled from Pakistan and Iran since the start of the year, according to the Taliban ...
We know you're busy and probably don't have the time to read all of our coverage each and every day. Here are some of the ...