The birthstone for January is garnet. This gem is commonly known in its red form, but garnet comes in many colors, such as ...
Here's a guide to May's birthstone, including its history, symbolism and meaning.
The diamond is the birthstone for April. While this gemstone is well-known for its colorless or white variety, there are colored diamonds, such as the famous Hope diamond. Diamonds can also ...
History: Along with tourmaline, opal is October’s birthstone. Both have endless color combinations, with the Romans believing that the iridescent stone of the opal possessed the colors and ...
Read on to discover what makes each of these birthstones for April extraordinary—ranging from their color to their meaning and history, according to experts. According to Matt Harris ...
There are two birthstones for March: aquamarine and bloodstone. Aquamarine ranges from pale blue to light green in color, similar to the ocean, hence its name. This gem symbolizes "purity of ...
Here's what to know about April's birthstone, including its symbolism, meaning, colors and more. The diamond is the birthstone for April. While this gemstone is well-known for its colorless or white ...
"The traditional and modern birthstone for May is the emerald, known for its vibrant, gorgeous green color," shares jeweler Anna Radunsky. She explains the significance, "Emeralds like spring are ...