was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic which has been very tense since early 2020. Kartini started this rectangular love story with ...
The H5N1 “bird flu” is ripping across America, decimating bird flocks and even infecting a few humans and other mammals.
Robert Whitcomb's weekly examination of everything that is important. Only Whitcomb offers such a collection of insights on ...
A pandemic broke out in Europe, recorded in history as the Spanish flu ... 1914-1918. There is an expression, La historia returns, the story repeats itself. It gives me chills to contemplate this era ...
Many experts believe it is only a matter of time before “Disease X” arrives, and that it is likely to be 20 times more lethal than Covid-19. “Disease X” refers to a currently unknown infectious but ...
For several decades, scientists have rung alarms that a dangerous form of bird flu had pandemic potential. As H5N1 spreads to ...
Robin Cook, who celebrates his 84th birthday on May 4 is set to release his latest medical thriller, Bellevue, later this year.
The passing of leprosy between squirrels and humans is one of the earliest known cases of a disease moving between people and ...
It’s also difficult to know how virulent the disease would be, though some experts suspect it could cause illness more severe ...
though some experts suspect it could cause illness more severe than Covid. The CDC has said that H5N1 has sometimes caused severe illness and death in other countries, and other avian flu strains have ...
Should we be concerned? Particularly since Trump is polling so well after he totally botched our response to Covid? The Spanish flu of 1918–1920 had a fatality rate of 2.5 percent. Ebola, the disease ...
TORONTO - Ontario midwives can now prescribe more drugs and administer routine vaccinations, which the provincial government ...