There are a number of different digestive diseases, each of varying severity. Often the different disorders have very similar symptoms, which can make them difficult to diagnose. Could you have a ...
In the past 15 years, scientists have learned a lot about the complex microbial organisms that colonize our intestine. Turns ...
Food poisoning is an irritation or infection in your digestive system that you get from something you eat or drink. It's usually caused by foods or drinks contaminated with viruses, parasites ...
Millions of people have problems affecting their digestive systems, many of which can be very serious. Here’s a top-to-bottom look at nine of the most common digestive conditions, their symptoms ...
“People with motility problems, like gastroparesis, where the stomach is not, you know, doing that process efficiently, the ...
PARIS — Hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) have proven effective in reducing symptoms associated with functional digestive disorders. These psychology-based ...
This well-illustrated journal features comprehensive coverage of the basic pathophysiology involved in new technological advances in the treatment of digestive diseases; insights from prominent ...
Neuropathy - nerve damage that causes pain, numbness, weakness or tingling in the feet and hands -- is very common and ...
Any-cause mortality risk increased by 6.7% (OR, 1.1) per unit rise in flooding index after confounder control. In the crude ...
A standby for getting more probiotics is to eat yogurt with live and active cultures. Some yogurts are even advertised to ...