WASHINGTON (AP) — House approves $26 billion package aiding Israel and providing humanitarian relief to people in Gaza.
One of Cambridge’s most vociferous opponents of high-rise affordable housing is mounting a protest against a proposal to build an additional 95 affordable units in the 240-unit Walden Square ...
Directly east of that is an approved 90-unit building, called the Anacapri, at the corner of Belaire Avenue and Chandler Street. Further south is a 240-unit apartment building at 1280 Sutherland ...
Directly east of that is an approved 90-unit building, called the Anacapri, at the corner of Belaire Avenue and Chandler Street. Further south is a 240-unit apartment building at 1280 Sutherland ...
Directly east of that is an approved 90-unit building, called the Anacapri, at the corner of Belaire Avenue and Chandler Street. Further south is a 240-unit apartment building at 1280 Sutherland ...
Maracor Development wants to build 240 apartments near the Warm Springs ... 24,000-square-foot strip mall in San Jose with a 260-unit affordable housing complex at 2628 and 2638 Union Avenue.
San Francisco-based Maracor Development filed permits last week to build a 100% affordable six-story, 240-unit apartment building with a parking garage and three courtyards at 45021 Warm Springs Blvd.
The final phase, scheduled for completion in early fall, is a 22-story, 240-unit market-rate apartment building known as “O2.” St. Paul’s affordable housing stock is poised to grow as a ...
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