The Missouri Department of Agriculture is setting traps for spongy moths and monitoring for other pests throughout the season.
An invasive, tree-killing insect is spreading its reach across Texas. The Texas A&M Forest Service recently confirmed the ...
Cockroaches are a fact of life in some places. We interviewed experts to find the best roach killers and traps for fighting ...
THE spring weather is finally here, but sadly sunshine brings with it unwanted guests. Wasps, ants, fruit flies and more will be plaguing homes as temperatures rise. But fear not, as Natalie ...
“Since 2018, we have deployed nearly 500 traps across Central, East and North Texas watching for the insect’s presence and ...
If traditional indoor fly traps and blue light plug-ins aren’t doing the trick, you may need something more intense to clear ...
Spring and summer bring great weather, but they also bring a few pests. Here are some common bugs to avoid this summer.
Warmer temperatures mean more mosquitos. San Joaquin County Vector Control District is setting traps to gauge how large the ...
This insect will be attracted to wheat fields now and can seemingly “march” across a wheat field, eating and destroying the ...
A sticky liquid made from vegetable oil could be sprayed onto plants to catch small pests such as thrips without affecting ...
Ants that infiltrate Maine homes come in all shapes and sizes, including carpenter ants, thief ants, acrobat ants and pharaoh ants.
Take a jar and punch a few tiny holes in the lid with a hammer and nail. Fill the jar with 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and ...