The newly discovered type of magnetic material could improve existing tech, including making better and faster hard drives.
These rocks offer evidence that Earth had a strong magnetic field 3.7 billion years ago, but scientists aren't sure where ...
Most rocks are recycled through the mantle by tectonic movement, destroying any clues they might carry about the earliest ...
The hunt for extraterrestrial life is only one reason to wonder about Earth's magnetic field.Not every planet has a ...
What was our ancient magnetic field like? A new finding suggests the oldest estimate of the age of the planet's current ...
A new study has recovered a 3.7-billion-year-old record of Earth's magnetic field, and found that it appears remarkably similar to the field surrounding Earth today.
(Nanowerk News) Unlike electrons, particles of light are uncharged, so they do not respond to magnetic fields. Despite this, researchers have now experimentally made light effectively “feel” a ...