One in three Utah homes have a high level of radioactive gas that causes lung cancer—and most Utahns don't know it.
Indoor air quality affects your family's health. Following these tips on how to test air quality in your home can help ...
The gas is prevalent in Utah due to the high frequency ... loved ones from radon-induced lung cancer. To get your free radon test kit, go to
N.B. Lung is calling on the province to put funding into helping New Brunswickers eliminate high radon levels in their homes.
INVISIBLE, ODORLESS, RADIOACTIVE Radon gas is responsible for around 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year. Testing is the only way to really know if you and your family are at risk. Don't wait ...
(Dusty Green) Radon is an odourless, colourless and tasteless radioactive gas. Langille said radon lending ... but a long-term test kit, which captures radioactivity for at least 91 days, is ...
colourless and tasteless radioactive gas. Langille said there are radon lending kits available at libraries across the province that can take a snapshot of a home's radon levels, but a long-term test ...
(Dusty Green) Radon is an odourless, colourless and tasteless radioactive gas. Langille said there are ... but a long-term test kit, which captures radioactivity for at least 91 days, is ...
Radon is a radioactive gas you can't see ... radon than water from a treatment facility. You can test your home or office with a radon kit. Some will measure levels for a few days, and others ...
According to MDH, the average amount of the odorless, colorless gas ... a test kit at a local hardware store or contact a professional to test for you. For more information about radon and how ...