The extreme measure helps the species survive, but it’s not without its dangers: according to a study, dehorned rhinos reduce ...
B.C. and Canadian forestry associations aim to tell a story that places them as the 'hero' in a fight against wildfires. One ...
Fireweed grows among forest fire tree snags in B.C ... A firefighter from the BC Wildfire Service’s Rhino Unit Crew prepares to cut down trees to reduce potential fuel on the south edge of ...
Fireweed grows among forest fire tree snags in B.C.'s Kootenay National ... A firefighter from the BC Wildfire Service’s Rhino Unit Crew prepares to cut down trees to reduce potential fuel on the ...
Fireweed grows among forest fire tree snags in B.C ... A firefighter from the BC Wildfire Service’s Rhino Unit Crew prepares to cut down trees to reduce potential fuel on the south edge of ...
Fireweed grows among forest fire tree snags in B.C.'s Kootenay National ... A firefighter from the BC Wildfire Service’s Rhino Unit Crew prepares to cut down trees to reduce potential fuel on the ...
Fireweed grows among forest fire tree snags in B.C.'s Kootenay National ... A firefighter from the BC Wildfire Service’s Rhino Unit Crew prepares to cut down trees to reduce potential fuel on the ...
In 2021, the Indonesian government put the Javan rhino population at 76 animals. However, that same year camera traps only managed to confirm 34 individual rhinos. Given that law enforcement and ...
The aging population on Long Island and elsewhere continues to increase, experts say. With these demographics comes a growing need for services for older adults. This includes legal, health ...
but also because there is a much smaller rhino population due to over a decade of heavy poaching. White rhino numbers in Kruger fell from 10,621 in 2011 to 1,988 at the end of 2022 and there is now ...
A gruesome discovery was made on a game reserve in the Magudu area on Sunday morning when a rhino female calf and the mother were found dead with their horns cut off. This inhumane slaughter ...