She is running against retired sheriff officer... San Jose State University students have set up a dozen tents on a lawn in front of Clark Hall, calling for the school to acknowledge the death toll in ...
There are also many schools run by religious organizations. The largest university here is San Jose State University, with an enrollment of 30,000 and a reputation as one of the top public colleges in ...
What is now Iowa State University was originally set up by the state legislature as an agricultural college and model farm in 1858. Land was purchased for close to $5,400 the following year. The ...
San Francisco's Bay to Breakers footrace happens ... and appeared to pose for a photo taken by the victim. Sonoma State University President Mike Lee will retire from his job at the school ...
19th and Holloway is a hub for several modes of transportation, including Muni buses, Muni Metro light rail and San Francisco State University’s shuttle service.